- SRE/Devops/AIOps
- MLOps/LLMOps/Data Engineering
- Go/Python/Shell Script
- Container(Docker/Kubernetes/AWS ECS)
- Cloud Infrastructure Design(AWS/Google Cloud/Terraform)
- Application Design(OOP,DDD)
- Policy as Code(OPA/Rego/Conftest)
1. SRE/MLOps/LLMOpsプラクティスの導入、改善支援
- 信頼性とアジリティのギャップ分析、改善提案から実装まで
- モニタリング・アラート整備、可観測性向上
- インシデントレスポンス最適化
- リリースエンジニアリング最適化
- SLI/SLOの設計と導入
- オンライン/バッチアプリケーション実行基盤の最適化
- キャパシティプランニング最適化
- ML基盤(学習、推論)の最適化
- LLMアプリケーションの評価ドリブンなリリースサイクルの実現
2. クラウドインフラ開発
コスト・セキュリティ・可用性を考慮したクラウドインフラの最適化を提案から実装まで(AWS/Google Cloud with Terraform)
3. アプリケーション開発
- パフォーマンス改善
- ロギング、エラー修正・エラーハンドリングの改善
- 脆弱性対応
- リファクタリング
- EOL対応
- 基本: 非同期コミュニケーション
- 同期ミーティング可能時間:
- 月曜/木曜/金曜 17:00以降
- 土日祝日
- その他の連絡は非同期対応
- 稼働時間: 基本的に、一社あたり月60時間程度まで(例外あり)
- 報酬: 時間単価5,000円以上(業務内容により応相談)
- Senior Software Engineer(Machine Learning/MLOps/AIOps) at Match Group (eureka, Inc.) (July, 2022〜 Present)
- Online Dating Service ( Number of Users Over 15 million, 3 Regions) Pairs(Moderation System)
- Enhance ML System Monitoring of the Moderation system (redefine and implement monitoring indicators) (Datadog/GCP Cloud logging/shapash/evidently)
- Text Moderation Precision/Recall improvements (whitelist, rule-based, model improvements)
- Rebuild Text Moderation ML Model and Pipeline
- Standardization of data preprocessing (tokenization/parameterization) for learning and inference of Text Moderation Models (migration from Go to Python, Mecab Ipadic)
- Moderation System performance improvement (endpoint latency p99 reduced to less than half)
- Design and Implementation of LLMOps Platform with Langfuse for Evaluation-Driven Release Cycle
- Automated Incident Reports and Post-mortem Generation with Amazon Bedrock(AIOps)
- Online Dating Service ( Number of Users Over 15 million, 3 Regions) Pairs(Moderation System)
- Senior Software Engineer(Site Reliability Engineering) at Match Group (eureka, Inc.) (March, 2022〜 June, 2022)
- Online Dating Service ( Number of Users Over 15 million, 3 Regions) Pairs
- Site Reliability Engineer at Match Group (eureka, Inc.) (March, 2020〜 March, 2022)
- Online Dating Service ( Number of Users Over 10 million, 3 Regions) Pairs and Pairs Engage
- Replace Infra Delivery Process(Terraform, Terraform Cloud, Github Actions)
- AWS ECR vulnerability scan and workflow(AWS ECR, Confluence)
- Self-Service with BotOps and CIOps(AWS Lambda, Serverless Framework, Slack, Github Actions)
- Introduction of Postmortem template and PlayBook(RunBook)(Confluence)
- Replace incident response system with Slack ChatBot
- Migration of Pairs Engage server from AWS EC2 to FARGATE(Go, AWS, Datadog)
- Migration and Encryption of User Message Data from RDS to DynamoDB(Go, AWS, Datadog)
- Design and Implementation of Data Lifecycle Policy System(Go, AWS, GCP, BigQuery)
- Migration of Pairs Batch server from AWS EC2 to FARGATE(Go, AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, Serverless Framework, Terraform)
- Migration app/user log infrastructure from Fluentd(td-agent) to AWS Firelens & Fluent bit
- Support Data Platform Migration Project(AWS Kinesis Firehose, Fivetran Connector, Amazon EC2 Bastion)
- Introduction of Image moderation/fraud image detection with GPU Inference(Amazon EKS, Kubernetes, Nvidia, Cuda, Pytorch)
- Introduction of GitOps (Argocd, Github Actions, OIDC with AWS provider)
- Introduction of Policy as Code to automate terraform code-review process(Conftest, OPA, Rego)
- Online Dating Service ( Number of Users Over 10 million, 3 Regions) Pairs and Pairs Engage
- Backend Engineer at Wano Co.,Ltd. (Feb, 2019〜Feb, 2020)
- Music delivery system VideoKicks
- Development/Operation of APIs (Go, Clean Architecture)
- Introduction and Enlightenment of CD with Gitops (CircleCI)
- Introduction and Enlightenment of IaC (AWS, Terraform)
- Introduction and Enlightenment of ChatOps (Slack)
- Preliminary investigation and design of search infrastructure(Elasticsearch, Kibana)
- Facilitation of US project
- Shop recommend system of Point Mall
- Development of APIs (Go, Nginx, Clean Architecture)
- Data source design (Mysql, Redis)
- Overall infrastructure design and implementation (AWS, Terraform, Fluentd)
- Production operation of application container(AWS ECS, Docker)
- Music delivery system VideoKicks
- System Engineer at Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc. (Apr, 2018 〜 Jan, 2019)
- International payment core system (Mainframe)
- Project leader of Swift system-compliant projects (Requirement definition, Basic design)
- Regular maintenance(PL/I, JCL)
- International payment core system (Mainframe)

[Slide] ペアーズにおけるAmazon Bedrockを⽤いた障害対応⽀援 ⽣成AIツールの導⼊事例 @ 20241115配信AWSウェビナー登壇

[Article] Amazon Bedrock を用いた障害対応報告書とポストモーテム文書自動作成 ~ ペアーズ における生成 AI 実装解説 @ AWS Builders Flash

[Slide] SRE NEXT 2022 Steps toward self-service operations in eureka Session(20 minutes,ja)

[Video] SRE Lounge #13「SREの探求」のすゝめ Session(15 minutes,ja)

[Slide] Infra Career Lounge #3 SRE NEXT 2022に学ぶこれからのSREキャリア Session(15 minutes,ja)

[Conference Chair] SRE NEXT 2022

[Book] Introduction of SlackBot with Go and AWS CDK(ja)
Distributed at Gijutsu Shoten 7(ja)

[Radio] 16: SRE NEXT 2022 with fukubaka0825(ja)

[Radio] sp.78【Guest: fukubaka0825】How a band member who got a job at a SIer moved to a startup and became a fun SRE in a year(ja)

[Video] (Comming Soon...) YouTube Channel(VTuber) wapper/nari 🍔 🍔

[VR Model] VRoid Model wapper 🍔 🍔
- OpenSource Contributions
- terraform-elasticsearch-and-kibana-on-ecs
terraform-elasticsearch-and-kibana-on-ecs - tffmtmd
tffmtmd formats HCL source code block in Markdown. detects fenced code & formats code. - terraform-aws-lambda-proxy-integration
terraform public module to make Lambda and proxy API Gateway - LeetCodeInGo
LeetCode in Go - dynamodb-export-to-s3-with-athena
Japanese: Native level
English: Business level
- Bachelor of Economics (Mar, 2018)
- 2024-12-10ペアーズにおける評価ドリブンなリリースサイクル:Langfuseをフル活用したLLMOps基盤
- 2022-12-19ML System Monitoring Tips
- 2022-04-07エウレカ開発組織全体でリライアビリティと向き合うために、SRE TeamのVision/Mission/ValuesをRebuildした話
- 2021-12-20How to make GPU inference environment of image category classification production-ready with…
- 2020-12-13eurekaにおけるここ一年のTerraformコンポーネント Delivery Processの変化…
Hatena Blog(Japanese)
- 2020-03-01Dockerコンテナ上で、変更があるコンポーネントのdirだけterraformコマンドをうって回るmakeコマンドを整備する
- 2020-01-02Raspberry pi とGoとMackerelでシェアハウスの運用しやすい鍵システムを作る
- 2019-12-22アーリーなプロダクトのチームに対して、IaCの文化を浸透させるためにやっている3つのこと
- 2019-12-20terraform-provider-awsへ初コントリビュートできた話
- 2019-12-19Goでmarkdown内のhclソースコードをfmtするCLIツール「tffmtmd」を作る過程で学んだことをまとめていく
- 2019-12-14本番環境リソース以外をTerraformでIaCして別アカウントに移す方法
- 2019-12-06音楽サービスエンジニアmeetup Vol.3 開催レポート
- 2019-12-01Elasticsearch/Kibana on AWS ECSをTerraformで サクッと構築
- 2019-10-23Lambda proxy integration×Go(echo)×Terraformでお手軽Web API(サーバレス)
- 2019-09-30Terraform入門資料(v0.12.0対応) ~基本知識から設計や運用、知っておくべきtipsまで~
2021-11 AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty
2019-03 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
2018-11 Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination(基本情報技術者)
2018-04 TOEIC 850
2016-04 The Official Business Skill Test in Book-keeping,3rd grade(日商簿記3級)